- laboratory bench space for 12 researchers
- walk-in climate chamber providing simulated
environment that controls temperature, humidity, light intensity, photoperiod and
- handheld spectrometer
- seven portable digital multilogger thermometers
- four handheld optical refractometers
- six PCs, peripheral printing and remote
data storage facilities
- fume hood
- two drying ovens
- high precision electronic balance
- standard balance
- microscope
- two stereo microscopes with cold light sources
- microscope camera
- digital automatic seed counter
- two portable centrifuges
- vortex mixer
- hot plate magnetic stirrer
- two large chest freezers, two refrigerators
- seven handheld GPS receivers, three handheld
GPS-based data collection systems
- Wi-Fi digital camera with GPS
- two digital calipers
- ten handheld weather
meters (Kestrel), aspectmeter, luxmeter
- four portable Solid-Phase Micro-Extraction field samplers for passive headspace collection of volatile compounds
- six Micro Air Samplers for dynamic headspace collection of volatile compounds
- standard insect sampling equipment: handnets, Malaise traps, pan traps, aspirators
- 18 large entomological cabinets housing the
insect collection, each holding 50 insect boxes
- two herbarium cabinets