I come from Estonia, where I
completed my undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Tartu. For my PhD thesis in the Macroecology workgroup I studied plant population
response to habitat fragmentation and degradation in semi-natural calcareous
grasslands, looking at how historical and current landscape structure and human
effect in combination with current environmental conditions determine the
population condition in remnant grasslands and to detect delayed responses to
landscape changes.
Here at the University of the Aegean
I have now turned focus on the effect of climate change on plant-pollinator
interactions in Mediterranean communities. I study changes in plant nectar and
pollen production under experimental conditions, involving multiple plant
species. Also I am interested in the effect of wildfires on pollinator
In addition to science I enjoy reading,
hiking and doing handicraft.
Takkis, K., Tscheulin, T., Tsalkatis, P., Petanidou, T. 2015. Climate change reduces nectar secretion in two common Mediterranean plants. AoB Plants, plv111
Dallimer, M., J. B. Jacobsen, T. H. Lundhede, K. Takkis, M. Giergiczny, and B. J. Thorsen. 2015. Patriotic Values for Public Goods: Transnational Trade-Offs for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services? Bioscience 65(1): 33-42.
Reitalu, T., Helm, A., Pärtel, M., Bengtsson, K., Gerhold, P., Rosén, E., Takkis, K., Znamenskiy, S., Prentice, H.C. 2013. Determinants of fine-scale plant diversity in dry calcareous grasslands within the Baltic Sea region. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 182: 59–68.
Takkis, K., Pärtel, M., Saar, L., Helm, A. 2013. Extinction debt in a common grassland species: immediate and delayed responses of plant and population fitness. Plant Ecology 214(7): 953–963.
Gazol, A., Tamme, R., Takkis, K., Kasari, L., Saar, L., Helm, A., Pärtel, M. 2012. Landscape- and small-scale determinants of grassland species diversity: direct and indirect influences. Ecography 35(10): 944–951.
Saar, L., Takkis, K., Pärtel, M. and Helm, A. 2012. Which plant traits predict species loss in calcareous grasslands with extinction debt? Diversity and Distributions 18(8): 808–817.
Helm, A., T. Oja, L. Saar, K. Takkis, T. Talve, and M. Pärtel. 2009. Human influence lowers plant genetic diversity in communities with extinction debt. Journal of Ecology 97: 1329–1336.