I was born in Thiva, a small town near Athens. I studied biology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), where also I received my MSc degree in 2007 and my Ph.D degree in 2014. My Ph.D. was supervised by S.Sgardelis and was supported by the grant Heraclitus II (Greece and European Union co-financing). My thesis focused on spatial patterns of diversity with an emphasis on the species turnover, and their contribution to species area relationship.
Since 2014, I had the chance to work on POL-AEGIS project and enter the fascinating world of pollinators. Working in POL-AEGIS team, we explored the effect of fire in shaping diversity patterns of flower-visiting insects.
Lazarina, M., Devalez, J., Neokosmidis, L., Sgardelis, S.P., Kallimanis, A.S., Tscheulin, T., Tsalkatis, P., Kourtidou, M., Mizerakis, V., Nakas, G., Palaiologou, P., Kalabokidis, K., Vujic, A., Petanidou, T. 2019. Moderate fire severity is best for the diversity of most of the pollinator guilds in Mediterranean pine forests. Ecology e02615.
Petanidou, T., Kallimanis, A. S., Lazarina, M., Tscheulin, T., Devalez, J., Stefanaki, A., Hanlidou, E., Vujić, A., Kaloveloni, A. & Sgardelis, S. P. 2018. Climate drives plant–pollinator interactions even along small-scale climate gradients: the case of the Aegean. Plant Biology, 20, 176-183.
Lazarina, M., Sgardelis, S.P., Tscheulin, T., Devalez, J., Mizerakis, V., Kallimanis, A.S, Papakonstantinou, S., Kyriazis, T., Petanidou, T. 2017. The effect of fire history in shaping diversity patterns of flower-visiting insects in post-fire Mediterranean pine forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(1): 115–131.
Petanidou, T., Kallimanis, A. S., Lazarina, M., Tscheulin, T., Devalez, J., Stefanaki, A., Hanlidou, E., Vujić, A., Kaloveloni, A. & Sgardelis, S. P. 2018. Climate drives plant–pollinator interactions even along small-scale climate gradients: the case of the Aegean. Plant Biology, 20, 176-183.
Lazarina, M., Sgardelis, S.P., Tscheulin, T., Devalez, J., Mizerakis, V., Kallimanis, A.S, Papakonstantinou, S., Kyriazis, T., Petanidou, T. 2017. The effect of fire history in shaping diversity patterns of flower-visiting insects in post-fire Mediterranean pine forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(1): 115–131.
Lazarina, M., Sgardelis, S. P., Tscheulin, T., Kallimanis, A. S., Devalez, J., Petanidou, T. 2016. Bee response to fire regimes in Mediterranean pine forests: the role of nesting preference, trophic specialization, and body size. Basic and Applied Ecology 17(4): 308-320.
Lazarina, M., Kallimanis, A. S., Pantis, J. D., Sgardelis, S. P. 2014. Linking species richness curves from non-contiguous sampling to contiguous-nested SAR: An empirical study. Acta Oecologica 61: 24-31.
Lazarina, M., Kallimanis, A. S., Sgardelis, S. P. 2013. Does the universality of the species–area relationship apply to smaller scales and across taxonomic groups? Ecography 36(9): 965-970.Lazarina, M., Kallimanis, A. S., Pantis, J. D., Sgardelis, S. P. 2014. Linking species richness curves from non-contiguous sampling to contiguous-nested SAR: An empirical study. Acta Oecologica 61: 24-31.
Lazarina, M., Sgardeli, V., Kallimanis, A. S., Sgardelis, S. P. 2013. An effort‐based index of beta diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4(3): 217-225.