E nakas.g@geo.aegean.gr
T +30 22510 36423
F +30 22510 36423
Georgios Nakas is a PhD student at the University of the Aegean investigating the post fire succession of plant–pollinator interactions in Mediterranean ecosystems. He studied biology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where he focused on ecology. His MSc in Marine and Lacustrine Sciences at Ghent University gave him the opportunity to gain a better perspective on biodiversity, taxonomy and ecology. Since then he has worked in several projects (e.g. POL-AEGIS) doing field work, lab work and taxonomy in several taxa. His current research focus is in pollination ecology. He has already published some of his work on how disturbance (e.g. grazing) can affect plant–pollinator systems.
Lazarina, M., Devalez, J., Neokosmidis, L., Sgardelis, S.P., Kallimanis, A.S., Tscheulin, T., Tsalkatis, P., Kourtidou, M., Mizerakis, V., Nakas, G., Palaiologou, P., Kalabokidis, K., Vujic, A., Petanidou, T. 2019. Moderate fire severity is best for the diversity of most of the pollinator guilds in Mediterranean pine forests. Ecology e02615.
Lázaro A., Tscheulin T., Devalez J., Nakas G., Petanidou T. 2016. Effects of grazing intensity on flower cover, pollinator abundance and diversity, and pollination services. Ecological Entomology 41(4): 400-412.
Lázaro A., Tscheulin T., Devalez J., Nakas G., Stefanaki A., Hanlidou E., Petanidou T. 2016. Moderation is best: effects of grazing intensity on pollination networks in Mediterranean communities. Ecological Applications 26(3): 796-807.
Lázaro A., Tscheulin T., Devalez J., Nakas G., Stefanaki A., Hanlidou E., Petanidou T. 2016. Moderation is best: effects of grazing intensity on pollination networks in Mediterranean communities. Ecological Applications 26(3): 796-807.
A post-fire bee nest on Chios Island near Olympoi village, October 2012
Post-fire landscape on Chios Island near Aghios Georgios village, March 2017